Friday, October 29, 2010

The hope which lies within

For quite a while during my last year of high school, I was lost. As I had started to become more interested in my faith, I started to really wonder why more people weren't followers of Christ, because Christianity was so easy for me to understand. That was also the time I started to learn how wrong I was. I had stopped giving the glory to God and started to become prideful. The more I started to research the problems people had with Christianity, the more I realized how little assurance I had in my faith. What ensued was an endless trail of questions, answers, research, and more questions. Although I am much more grounded in my faith today, I am still following that endless trail, and I believe in its utmost importance. 1 Peter 3:15 tells us to "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have."  This is important for so many reasons but i am finding out now that it is most important because there are all to many people out there who are ready to tear your beliefs limb from limb given the chance. Please do not be fooled. People do not do this because they "know" that they are right, they do this because they are prompted to by a hate which they do not recognize. A hate which knows the truth, but fights to suppress it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

We The Battered Ship

For those of you who don't know me to well, I am a thinker.  Most of my time spent is doing just that. First and foremost I am a christian, and that is my life. And because of that, most of my time is spent thinking about my faith, what it means, and all the questions that come along with it.This blog is here to record all of that, and so that hopefully anyone struggling with their faith will find some answers. Anyways, welcome. I hope to be updating this a few times a week.